Monday, March 23, 2009


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Saturday, March 21, 2009









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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Crack has spring tire coup

Crack has spring tire coup
I have often said that with many comrades, male or female, the best time to eat the spring of Wuji Baifeng Wan. This is a good prescription, at least on hundred years after the practice. At this time some of my male comrades on the question, What to eat Wuji Baifeng Wan ah, it is not the saint gynecological medicine? Why eat them gay? Actually not, because lesbians are congenital liver to blood-based, so Wuji Baifeng Wan more lesbians are used in the body. However, male comrades in the spring, because of your blood go out, which is inadequate blood, you eat every morning a Wuji Baifeng Wan, who is not feel tired , spring tire feeling there will be no

One trick yoga moves to solve constipation problem

One trick yoga moves to solve constipation problem
Many of my friends will trust you have constipation, the constipation problems but a lot of people, but also give the health impact. The following bills have one yoga moves can help you solve the constipation problem, we quickly learn you learn:
Open-acting: to strengthen, contraction of abdominal organs, stretching the neck muscles. Help to alleviate constipation, elimination of gastrointestinal flatulence. Action: supine, arm placed on both sides of the body, straight legs naturally. Inspiratory, left leg bent, his hands embracing the left calf. Breath, raised his shoulder, left thigh closer to the chest. Hold your breath or to maintain the natural breathing (according to its own circumstances, decide), chin, left knee contact.
Through yoga postures to improve gastrointestinal function, promote digestion and ease constipation role to play. Yoga is more natural to promote a healthy lifestyle to resolve constipation.
Practice Time: morning and evening exercises repeat 3 to 5 group.

MY BOSS sexual harassment, how can I do?

MY BOSS sexual harassment, how can I do?
I do not know from where they talked about;
The company came to BOSS are more than a year ago has been, BOSS is a very smart person, keep in mind all the work, so technically our company faster than counterparts several times; at my company is a very low-key person, I do not dress up and enjoy it very fashionable alternative, but also never make-up, not like other people's lines, nor the rationale for the pursuit of those boring, nor know how to deal with the smooth relationship between colleagues, like the heart only is the never-ending the pursuit of my design; in our company as fashion inside, I would like a easy and simple people thought that I was also only 18-year-old girl. Every day at my company to do their job well, or even go home at night is also the job a few months down the design of my company was a lot of profits, orders continue to fully put before the company's design philosophy has become a new concept of conversion , in the company of other colleagues, I also can not accept such a change, only very much in agreement with BOSS, and slowly the U.S. are still recognized, so I became the backbone of the Department of Design; BOSS have been saying that my smart, to do good things, it likes I, unlike what other girls did, so I will agree with me think it is more the design, I am of course very happy, I never thought of any other means; on this too, after more than six months ago, BOSS regular asked me to eating out, we all talk about is business, so that lasted for six months, I have always agreed, because that is just to eat, to talk about some of the work the company matters, but also nothing; Of course, I have never BOSS have any doubts about the intention of the other; to listen to my colleagues said, BOSS are never like the other one a little money dependent on the outside like lovers do, the company's situation is pretty good, size is not small, even in this Under the influence of the economic crisis, the company is also a steady flow of orders has not been what the impact of Chinese New Year might have to work overtime; so on this point, I strongly believe that BOSS, completely put him as I respect a person;
But I was not trying to change my respect for the BOSS?
Just yesterday, BOSS asked me to go mountain climbing, said after eating out, I have promised; in this city are busy every day, but also did not have time to go mountain climbing, so for me this lack of exercise for those who still have a great difficulties, it is so we must think of my heart Get the Peak,
But it really did not listen to my feet, then began to be tired, it is so BOSS occasionally to pull me one, I also said as far as possible, I can put in hand to open; do not know how long it had come halfway up the mountain at a stone above sat down, I can walk, and this time also came BOSS
Who is sitting beside me, I did not want to move can have a place, BOSS my hands on the back of my question "is not hot hot," I stood up and said: "not hot, let's go"; we continue to follow, which would already many of the 17 o'clock, where people told us to go dark go well above the road, but would like to have a mind Get the Peak, we will continue to follow, it's very bad mountain road winding away , BOSS or from time to time come to pull me one; have gone perhaps a half an hour before arrival Peak, Real-pin fixed-shift, I stopped to break the will, sexual harassmenting the camera shoot some landscapes; going up continue to follow, BOSS came to cling to me tightly, no reaction from me, I simply can not break open, I like the blush of the apple, I almost could not breathe, BOSS before me liberalized, And put my hand down the pinch at the hands of him pulling me away, I want to get rid of efforts, but I failed, I left him pulling away after paragraph put me open; I breathed a sigh of relief, what do not want to Say blushing head to continue in that some small dark careful walking on the road, I want to just forget that scene, I do not want to be too embarrassing, BOSS also occasionally we turn to look at me, pull me; so there is no language of the foot inside a pavilion, are very tired, sits down break the will, BOSS came against him to allow me to get to me immediately pregnant with him, I have no time to flashover; had only half a minute song open me, but also a smile to touch my face and that hot; we continue to follow, and finally to the foot of the hill, a store, where they will be seated before driving off to go, On the road to find a home meal for dinner Pavilion, every times ask me enjoy what I do not know; Just now the embarrassment did not seem to like; called me on the sofa at that rest tired; I have been at down my head that seems to look very tired, I not to eat with chopsticks, BOSS attendants called to get my spoon, finally after dinner they took me to do foot massage that tired today; I also did not say anything a go, in that the consumption of more than 2 hours, and finally drove back to the end of the city, along the way more irrelevant question, I do not know how I said that pretending to sleep in that very storm looks very tired, in fact, do it sleeping fall; every time I would ask at this how long the city, enjoy what questions like;
Today, work at it on my work, he would in front of other colleagues in the ignition did not say that it was doing a good job, and every time condemning those of my colleagues, as if only I had not been said before him; me wrong, what are good of give me that taught me; colleagues say I am very good on the BOSS, I am really good hard
Ah, I do not know how to do, ladies, how can I deal with this matter ah, yes leave the company, but now I want to work and colleagues.
Hair question just message me foot pain is also not, I really about to the collapse of the ~ ~ ~ I am afraid I will find a reason for the next BOSS asked me to eating out ... ...

Dry refuse! Women must learn tips vaginal moisturizing

Dry refuse! Women must learn tips vaginal moisturizing
Days given women the same as the water gently, but sometimes they are left to bear the inconvenience of dry statement said. Sweet night, this side is willing to work with him with the perfect, loving the best bound in a league, but heart more enough and "wet" inadequate. One said that since birth to a child, husband and wife living there when the phenomenon of dry, nor leucorrhea, but normal menstruation. Second, that when the rare peacetime leucorrhea dry, less blood is always lumbar acid softer leg... ... gynecological experts said the reasons for a lot of dry, everyone's circumstances are different. Hopefully, dry episode in the life just to let you and those around us looking for reasons for him at the same time, so that more happy sweet moment.
"Dry" disturb
Belong to the age of physiological phenomena. Vaginal dryness and age women have a great relationship, close to menopause as well as post-menopausal women, estrogen levels decreased, vaginal wall tends to smooth, to reduce secretions, which belong to the natural physiological dry situation.
Whether the lack of estrogen? Besides physiological phenomenon, the emergence of dry, may take into account the number of pathological phenomena, such as whether the lack of estrogen. Estrogen will cause vaginal wall, cervical mucus secretion, vaginal lubrication assist. If endocrine disorders, secretions natural decrease in the ensuing dry it.
Your pressure? If work more when the pressure of life, not only affects the physical health could also affect the endocrine.
The nervous mood. Some female friends at the time of married life, because some cases have a fear of, or has not suited the feeling, it is often impossible due to nervous and humid enough.
Disturb inflammation. Gynecological inflammation such as influenza in general, when a female friend in the living habits of neglect and do not pay enough attention, the inflammation on the timely visited, the most common is vaginitis. This time, married life of women, naturally, less interest and attract a few minutes.
Other physical discomfort. COME disease such as Hill was, if both other diseases, heart, married life will be affected since.
Psychological are "natural enemies"
Vaginal dryness caused by many reasons, but also a combination of factors. Clinically, it has a female friend for advice, not age, there is no inflammation, but the lower desires. Clinically, women's vaginal dryness, low desire in most cases on the emotional and psychological, some belong to the psychological barrier.
Bad mood, will affect the female friend's face, color, will also increase the risk of illness. In the treatment of married life, many people have recognized the errors or only one-sided understanding, that married life can cause or aggravate cervical erosion, or cause, such as gynecological inflammation, thus affecting a female friend into married life feeling nervous too much, concern, or once the psychological shadow of married life had been smooth points added.

Bloody lessons: menstrual sexual suffer from gynecological disease

Bloody lessons: menstrual sexual suffer from gynecological disease
Clearly remember that day two months ago, I thought that menstruation is gone and her boyfriend on the same room, and passion after the menstrual period is not found in the past, but did not care, did not expect such serious consequences.
It is understood that endometriosis currently do not have very good Chinese and Western medicine treatment, surgery will relapse repeatedly. Long-term medication will have a lot of serious side effects. The most important will affect future married life, there is no "sex" Fu, and produce infertility.
Cry! . . . . . I am only 26 years old ah! I have not married, no children ah! A young impulsive, even give himself the pain of life. The impulse to punish is too heavy!
I hope that my lessons in blood, to give women a Friend sounded the alarm, we must cherish their own. Endometriosis Prevention of the most critical, please pay attention to a female friend of millions of the following:

1, the attention of menstrual hygiene and sexual health, to the absolute prohibition of sex during menstruation.
2, in the menstrual period to avoid pelvic examination to do so as not to be broken fragments of endometrial tissue into the injury go.
3, the timely detection of imperforate hymen and absence of vagina and other abnormalities, one should be promptly confirmed by surgery in order to avoid menstrual blood product deposition in the uterus and into the fallopian tubes and pelvic reflux, resulting in endometriosis.
4, the implementation of Doctor of uterine incision during a surgical operation such as caesarean section, must be careful to protect the uterus and the abdominal incision to prevent the transplantation of endometrial fragments.
In addition, oral contraceptives do not want pregnant women to have the prevention of endometriosis role, has been sick also has the role to alleviate the symptoms.

The following have several ways to temporarily ease the pain, may wish to refer to the following:
Fomentation: You can put a warm bag in the abdomen on: "Let the warmth of the abdomen to maintain a comfortable temperature and time depending on individual needs."
Maintain the body of the activities: sports contribute to the treatment of endometriosis, but there is evidence that regular exercise compared to women with endometriosis do not have the situation happen. Fuck the floor can try stretching exercises, riding a bicycle or other body will not let too much over-pushing activities.
Diet: drink plenty of water, eat less dairy products, limiting intake of meat.
Vitamin B Family: vitamin B group can more effectively assist the liver metabolism, in order to rule out too much estrogen.
Many fish: rich diet containing fish oil to alleviate the pain of endometriosis helpful, fish oil is considered the body can stimulate the secretion of prostaglandins well, this will not cause pain. Tsp 1/4----1/2 may use non-prescription natural Huang Su-milk secretion in vivo evening, massage the skin soft body parts a day, three times, cheeks, neck, inner thighs, arms and chest are also medial Massage can be applied, natural Huang Su-secretion in vivo help to offset excessive estrogen in vivo role. That is, before menstruation at 1 ---- 2 weeks, then you can start rubbing preovulatory emulsion continued until the end of the entire menstrual cycle.
Drug ease: You can use non-prescription medication ----- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, any non-prescription drugs must be taken in accordance with the instructions, so remember look before use or ask Products labeled drug appropriate dose division.

Jinlian of three-inch behind the secret

Jinlian of three-inch behind the secret
Women's ankles and feet were sexology experts think it is important to sexuality, many people also agree with feet and genitals are closely related, through the legs of women can be aroused. Such as Lin Yutang once said: "foot-binding throughout the representativeness of the natural sense of existence." "China's love," the author of one book at book van Gulik also said: "The small feet are sexy women the center of Chinese people in the sexual life plays an extremely important role. "
Living at the foot of the status and role, in fact, when there are at earlier exploration and practice of the ancients had. In ancient people's aesthetic standards, the three-inch Jinlian are very sexy, and be able to stimulate their sexual. For thousands of years, three-inch Jinlian and Chinese human life, do not generally have a relationship. The ancients of the "three-inch feet" so obsessed with the amazing people.
Jinlian are three-inch bound feet give out. According to the general argument, pestering bound to start as early as AD 969 ~ 975-year reign of Li Yu Tang period, a little host Lee妃子ingenuity with silk wrapped around the legs into a crescent shape at Trollius on dancing to please the emperor. Later, this practice spread to people, bound entangled wind gradually spread to the ordinary people. But it was also suggested that in the early years of 770-476 BC, the Warring States period, there has been wrapped around the phenomenon of bound feet.
Women's foot-binding culture of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty years, reached a peak. Opposed to the Qing dynasty rulers of the Han woman bound feet, a three-year reign of Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Kangxi had下诏banned, are liable to get their parents vindictive. However, this ban enacted only four years, was forced to withdrew. Not only that, but also began to QiRen woman blind imitation with ludicrous effection . Shunzhi emperor had issued a "woman has to into the house of empire by cutting off his feet," the ban, nor did it play the effect.
Jinlian worship on three-inch is also reflected in many literary works, such as "Strange Stories" and a lot of chapters in both women's bound feet portray the form in order for the United States three-inch Jinlian. Even in the Qing Dynasty also has a self-appointed " XiangLian doctor," the scholar Xuan Fang, wrote an article entitled "Commodities XiangLian algae," the article, put small feet divided into five九品18 kinds of style.
How is kind of a pair of Jinlian enviable? The most widely circulated on the seventh Jinlian tactic as "thin, small, sharp, curved, incense, soft, now." "Butcher" the author of one book - Qing Li Weng Lee has three XiangLian You "fat, show, soft" standards; Fang Xuan at "Algae XiangLian goods" listed in 36 Jinlian grid "green circle straight, Narrow defibrase Qu Rui, said steady light, leisurely Yan Mei, Yun-yan weak thin, delicious whole Youjuan Run, Sophie King Man, cool ya free and natural, Qiao JieJin Park. " Tao early years of the Republic reported that addiction, "Picking a new language" with "small thin soft said short narrow curved thin sharp straight" to judge, and another YanXian "small enough to talk about" that "small incense soft tip is affixed to bend light, just discount XiaoPin temperature, solid jade do Lianzhi absorbed. "
Although the male three-inch standard Jinlian preferences are not the same, but the ancient woman bound feet bound, to create three-inch custom Jinlian male is said to be due to the rise of habit and this has in common, according to historical records, since the Song Dynasty, in the much popular festivity brothels from a "XingJiou" game, from start to finish are outstanding prostitutes and their small feet, small feet, shoes, put wine JiaJi Add the clients of prostitutes bound feet to shoe transmission, ZhenJiou , drinking. Estimated and the modern popular "human feast," where you win one fight.
No more, the Six Dynasties have the novel "Chebi rumor," one of Record: "Han ChengDi a disease, should not Zhuang Yin Sui weak hair, each holding enough Akiyoshi lot to desire from Zhe violence." Talking about sexual ChengDi later years because of excessive suffering from decreased energy, impotence problems. But each one to see Zhao's sister Hede Chebi of bound feet, it suddenly full energy, sexual excitement. Zhao Feiyan feet has also been described as a "for Pocket Dance", a pair of Men Jinlian not a big palm. Small enough to be said to have a bad vibration from the function of yang, the ancient people of the three-inch Jinlian worship really was not generally high.
Lee Weng Li has always been opposed to women's feet, but also made clear that the intention of foot-binding, in addition to a Man are to be caring and fondle, but also the role there.
"A pair of bound feet, shed tears one cylinder," "three-inch feet" Although the name of Blair, but the girls are the cost of health with blood and tears in return. Fortunately, the modern woman, and finally do not file by this sub-offended.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day

If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
“Okay, teach me to fish, and then please point me to the fish too!”

How do you minimize risk though?

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So we would need

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

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Ref: Monkey Productions - 614-668-5037

questions from other employees. When she went back to drafting the petition, it took her several minutes to find the place where she had left off and begin again. Unfortunately, this method of drafting petitions helped to create a lot of errors which caused major problems when the petition went through the court system.
However, by drafting the bankruptcy petition at the paralegal's home office, she had less interruptions and could direct her concentration solely on the client's information. The quality of the bankruptcy petition increased dramatically and literally transformed his law firm.
Dennis then began to detail for Matt the step-bystep procedure he used when working with his virtual bankruptcy assistant:
1. The clients filled out a set of client intake forms which were much more detailed than the previous 4-page intake forms I was using. These client intake

Dennis: Do you

Dennis: Do you? I have had employees take the files home to work on and the files get in the hands of unauthorized people. I also have had employees quit and I had to go through legal means to get the files they took home with them returned. For me, I found it more confidential to strictly deal with one unbiased virtual assistant who was often more professional and trusting than my own office staff.
Matt: Are you saying a virtual assistant does a better job compared to your legal staff?
Dennis: For certain things — yes. I found that drafting bankruptcy petitions is a job that needs to be done from start to finish with no interruptions. This is impossible to do in a busy office. In fact, that is what the bankruptcy attorney in Columbus, Ohio noticed when he set Victoria Ring up in her own virtual bankruptcy assistant business. One day this attorney watched one of his paralegals draft an entire bankruptcy petition. She would start on the Voluntary Petition and get interrupted with client calls and

Law firms also allow their employees to take work home to complete complex assignments

Law firms also allow their employees to take work home to complete complex assignments, drafting documents and other pleadings. In addition, many law clerks and paralegals must travel outside the office to work on cases or go to the law library to cite cases for briefs and other pleadings. Take a look at your own law firm and see for yourself how much work is actually done outside the office.
Matt: But what about confidentiality? I know the people employed at my law firm personally. They may take files out of the office to work off-site but I know they will be coming to work the next day to return them.

Virtual assistants who are located in your local area can also
assist you in court — just like your paralegal does now.
This frees up your paralegal to work on other tasks.

Monday, February 23, 2009

After a period, usually one year

After a period, usually one year, debts are written off. After your bankruptcy ends.
your creditors can make no fresh claims against you, but if, for example, you
have assets remaining that gain in value (such as your home), your creditors can
still force the sale of those assets within a period of three years.
This also applies to any assets you obtain before becoming discharged.
Although bankruptcy doesn't carry the same social stigma it did a few years ago,
it does bring with it certain restrictions such as your bankruptcy being advertised
in the local press, having your landlord informed, closure of your bank account,
and in certain professions -including most positions in financial services -a risk.
of losing your job. The bankruptcy remains on your credit file for 6 years.

About Bankruptcy.

About Bankruptcy.

This is the ultimate step -the last resort.
It's a legal process that allows you to free yourself from overwhelming debts and
make a fresh start by selling your assets and using the funds raised to pay your
creditors. Any assets, including your home, may be used to pay creditors.

Full and final settlement is the process of asking creditors to accept a lump sum

Full and final settlement is the process of asking creditors to accept a lump sum
which is less than the full balance owed on the debt, and in return for having a
lump sum payment, the creditors agree to write off the rest of the debts.
They also agree in writing to change your credit reference file details to show that
the balance is “satisfied”.
The lump sum payment is often determined by a combination of disposable
income and the level of equity you have in your property. Or perhaps a family.
member is offering to settle the debt for you...
Full and Final is not guaranteed. The creditor may refuse an offer.
If they do refuse, there are a number of options available for you to proceed..

Saturday, February 21, 2009

However the order was triggered on the same day itself

However the order was triggered on the same day itself @ $8.40 when
the stock falls below the condition set. Having paid $6.80 for the time
value leaving behind $1.60 in intrinsic value for a 60 days option, is a
very expansive premium to pay as the IV was very high.

I took this trade because the negative divergence was very strong
bearing in mind that it is going to be a real short trade. Since only one
day the stock is down to closed at $68.12, the option premium has
increased to $10.30 giving me a profit of $1.90, a 23% returns.

The William %R indicator is at the bottom again sending me a
signal to take my profit get out. Money in my pocket is always better
than in the market.

Case Study #5 McKesson Corporation

MCK was the third bearish reversal trade I did together with ACOR
and ABT. It is the most profitable one indeed; I managed to pocket a
profit of 117% in 10 trading days. Spotted a “Dark Cloud Cover”
bearish reversal candlestick formation on my screener on 15 Jan 08
which have gapped up in the stock price three months ago and were
making higher highs since then.

Yesterday 10 Mar 08

Yesterday 10 Mar 08, after only one day the stock is down to closed at
$38.71, the option premium has increased to $7.90 giving me a profit
of $1.90, a 32% returns.

Looking at the chart the MACD histogram is now at negative territory
indicating a possible longer term bearish trend but William %R is at
the bottom signaling me to get out.

I took my profit when the market opens the next day and move on to
the next trade, remember always take your profit, don’t be greedy.
Move on.

Case Study #4 Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited

AEM was spotted a “Shooting Star” bearish reversal candlestick
formation yesterday on 19 Mar 08 before market opens which is due
for a market correction as is was trending for some time. It was
supported be a strong negative divergence present in the stock chart.
AEM was trading at $74.10 and the low was at $73.50 and the trading
plan for AEM entry was set up using a conditional order.

If stock price < $73.40, buy May 08 $75.00 Puts

Case Study #3 Goldcrop Inc

Case Study #3 Goldcrop Inc

GG was spotted a bearish reversal candlestick formation on 17 Mar 08
after market closed which maybe due for a minor market correction as
there was a negative divergence present in the stock chart. The stock
rating was 8 and the analyst recommendation was moderate buy
making this reversal play contrary.

GG was trading at $44.22 and the low was at $43.00 and the trading
plan for GG entry was set up using a conditional order.

If stock price < $42.90, buy Jul 08 $45.00 Puts

However the order was triggered the next day on 18 Mar 08 @ $6.00
when the stock falls below the condition set. Having paid $3.90 for the
time value leaving behind $2.10 in intrinsic value for a 120 days
option, I guess it all right as the maximum holding period is only 2
weeks. The time decay effect is not so damaging to this position.

A stop loss was then set if stock price is > $46.40, which is the high of
the reversal candlestick.

Friday, February 20, 2009


6 eggs
1/2 pint of chopped cold cooked chicken
1/2 can of mushrooms
2 tablespoonfuls of butter
2 tablespoonfuls of flour
1/2 pint of milk
1/2 teaspoonful of salt
1 saltspoonful of pepper
Use ordinary shirring dishes for the eggs; butter them, break into
each one egg, stand these in a pan of boiling water and in the oven
until they are "set." Rub the butter and flour together, add the milk,
stir until boiling, add the salt, pepper, chopped chicken and
mushrooms, and put one tablespoonful of this on top of each egg and
send at once to the table. This is also nice if you put a
tablespoonful of the mixture in the bottom of the dish, break the egg
into it, and then at serving time put another tablespoonful over the
Cover the bottom of a graniteware or silver platter with fresh bread
crumbs, break in as many eggs as are needed for the number of persons
to be served. Put bits of butter here and there, stand the platter
over a baking pan of hot water in the oven until the eggs are "set,"
dust them with salt and pepper and send them to the table.
6 eggs
1/2 cupful of cream
2 tablespoonfuls of grated onion
1 clove of garlic
1/2 teaspoonful of salt
1 saltspoonful of pepper
Add the onion and the garlic, mashed, to the cream; pour it in the
bottom of a baking dish, break on top the eggs, dust with salt and
pepper, stand the baking dish in a pan of water and cook in the oven
until the eggs are "set." Serve in the dish in which they are cooked.


Shir the eggs as directed. Have ready, carefully boiled, two sets of
calves' brains; cut them into slices; put two or three slices between
the eggs, and then pour over browned butter sauce.

To each half dozen eggs allow three lambs' kidneys. Broil the kidneys.
Shir the eggs as directed in the first recipe. When done, put half a
kidney on each side of the plate and pour over sauce Perigueux.


Rub the bottom of a baking dish with butter. Dust it lightly with salt
and pepper. Break in as many fresh eggs as required. Stand the dish in
a basin of water and cook in the oven five minutes, or until the
whites are "set." While these are cooking, put two tablespoonfuls of
butter in a pan and shake over the fire until it browns. When the eggs
are done, baste them with the browned butter, and send to the table.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Menstrual drink even more serious consequences

Menstrual drink even more serious consequences 

Women health care 

Today to see an article, which said: the same are to drink alcohol female menstrual liver damage or trigger risk of alcoholism than many men half. To remind women, menstrual careful to drink! 

Before and during menstruation, women affected by hormonal effects in vivo enzyme activities of lower ability, alcohol metabolism, and the result makes alcohol easily excreted rapidly from the blood away, but become harmful to the body "acidic." To remove these acidic substances, the liver is necessary to continue to produce enzymes. The result will add to the burden of the liver, so that triggered the possibility of liver dysfunction have also increased. 
Because they are women in the menstrual period, lack of enzyme in vivo, if drunk too much time, will in time extend a state of intoxication, drunken feeling or symptoms will be even more serious. This is when menstruation alcohol addictive, easy to trigger alcoholism reasons. In addition, menstrual bleeding as a result of constant, physical weakness, poor resistance, alcohol will speed up blood circulation, at this time may result in menstrual volume has increased, such as drinking cold beer, is also likely to cause, such as dysmenorrhea. Therefore, the approach of menstruation or menstrual period, in principle, should be banned drinking liquor. Of course, you can drink a small amount of wine (50ml about appropriate), but it should not be excessive.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fist lumbar careful menstrual menorrhagia

Fist lumbar careful menstrual menorrhagia 

Women health care body 

Because female and male physical characteristics and needs of life are different, the decision of women in life have to have more taboos ... ... 
First, avoid menstrual fist lumbar. 
Women in the menstrual period as a result of pelvic congestive heart will feel a slight discomfort, such as lumbar acid, swollen legs or lower abdomen, breast tenderness, increased frequency of urine, diarrhea, constipation and so on. These are normal physiological phenomenon of menstruation, the general need for treatment. However, at this time if forced to artificially random thump back, often exacerbated by low back pain. Thump back because after pelvic congestive will increase and speed up blood flow, resulting in menorrhagia, menstrual extension, it actually resulted in more severe low back pain. 

Second, avoid excessive use of perfume. 
Women love perfume, but also pathogenic aroma. Smell good at channeling away, especially add the artificial fragrance of perfume, although the simulation is a natural scent, but because many chemical flavor substances, their concentration of flavor molecules secreted much higher than the concentration of natural floral, and some unexpected chemical reaction person is likely to have respiratory, skin and central nervous system adverse effects. Some smell the aroma will appear after the dizziness, nausea and other symptoms are not suited. 
Three, avoid many fresh vegetable oil. 
People all know that eating animal fat on the body harmful to health. In fact, eat more vegetable oils are also detrimental to health, especially for women, the harmful effects of eating more vegetable oil. Medical experiments proved that the vegetable oil than animal oil more easily absorbed into the body, formed in the body more calories. Likes to eat fried food, women, and general easy to get fat, but also susceptible to breast and colon cancer. Because the vegetable oil in the unsaturated fatty acids can promote the occurrence of breast cancer, excessive unsaturated fatty acids so that excessive secretion of bile, and bile acid metabolites have carcinogenic effects, so excessive intake of vegetable oils may also lead to colon cancer. 
Fourth, anti-. 
Looks sexy, beautiful, stylish, not only will you grow Holothuria "corns" and could make you into surgery operating table! have an extension of the leg as a result of the proportion of visual effects, so many beautiful women in the city in droves. However, orthopedic surgeons pointed out that the long-term wear could lead to grow corns", and even foot deformities, the toe flat, there are injuries in the design of the foot defects, long-wearing easy to wear foot. The toes of each other extrusion, and may lead to foot, "transverse arch", "Medium bow" of the collapse, and even lead to deformation of the toes, overlapping toes. 23 years of age, especially women, more easily "caught."

Diet resulted in erratic gastric perforation

Diet resulted in erratic gastric perforation 

Gastric perforation 

I remember that day, I did not eat one day playing in the hostel for a day of a Computer, by evening I was hungry and decided to go north door of the 20 yuan barbecue buffet go eat a big meal, I and my good brother, "Simba" go together of. The results because I am eating extremely irregular lead I had gastric perforation 
       After the evening I go back and just ready to sleep in the dormitory, suddenly felt my stomach pain like knife cuts such as more than, I quarters buddies took me to the hospital, diagnosed as gastric perforation, after a night of treatment (infusion, the next gastric tube) have reduced pain, a friend helped me to my parents called, they take my car back home the other side of hospital treatment, during treatment, I should not eat a whole month anything, should not drink water, completely rely on medication to maintain my fitness, I realized that the human sense of purgatory. After disease, I have no dinner, I eat noodles every day, long conditioning day see others eating, delicious things I could barely stay out of tears, 
      The adoption of this disease within one month I lost 18 kg, and the doctor told me too stomach fat people could not think of the future! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 
In this I advise you everyone should pay attention to the body, not overeating, do not eat much barbecue buffet 20! ! ! ! ! ! ! Keep this in mind (now replaced by a dumpling Museum) 
      I hope everybody should pay attention to the body ah, especially those living irregular friends.

Valentine's Day: Give the other half of the 10 gifts

Valentine's Day: Give the other half of the 10 gifts 
1, with jelly beans produced underwear 

All these are actual eat the jelly beans, fruit flavors, each with 330 jelly beans can be made, the price 20 U.S. dollars. 

2, "Say you love me" pillow 

Bed time to say this sentence in two separate places, you can use this pillow to YY. . . Price of 36 U.S. dollars. 
      3,8-bit color T shirt 

2 T shirt with a sensing device, when close to the time, T-shirts will turn on the red heart, the price 25 U.S. dollars.
     4, the other half of the nagging 

If there is no quarrel with you, then life may have less moisture, and when you separated when he or she can not hear the nagging feeling of emptiness,How? Use this remote control, press about, it sounded a wide range of voice: "Listen to me!" "What are you thinking!?" "Clean up the corridor!" Price of 36 U.S. dollars per set. 
      5, men and women keyhole 

Release the key used, location easily lead to a YY. . . Price of 34 U.S. dollars per set. 
6, heart pillow 

Price of 45 U.S. dollars each, to hold fast to it, would have heard the voices of simulated heart rate and heart rate will gradually in line with you. when it is best not to hold. 
     7, Personalized alarm clock 

Can be handwritten or stickers pointer, dial, 24-hour customized by you. Price of 40 U.S. dollars per set. 
     8, rings mug 

If you have the other half looking forward to, can use this small cup to suggest that he: the married! Quick to buy the ring! 15 U.S. dollars sold for each cup. 
     9, boyfriends shoulder pillow 

Price of 40 U.S. dollars each, when the boyfriend is not around, this is a good substitute. 
     10, large inflatable Red 

Price of 14 U.S. dollars, in fact, I have seen more, but this did not make such fine.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Man why short-lived

Man why short-lived 

Men weaknesses 

As we all know, women live longer than short men. Medical scientists believe that, mainly because men have six major weaknesses: 

Men like smoking, drinking, in the table devoured or recurrent overeating, therefore, the incidence of stomach Men than women on average 6.2 times higher. 
A considerable number of men pay no attention to sunscreen, pay no attention to skin cancer examination. Therefore, the possibility of a Man died of melanoma is the woman's 2-fold.
Men work more than the women nervous, the pressure to be bigger than women, so men suffer from myocardial infarction and were admitted into hospital the proportion of a woman's 7 to 10 times. Therefore, in order to prevent heart disease, apart from smoking cessation and moderate alcohol consumption, but also to maintain normal body weight and learn to decompression. 
Men are social frequent susceptible to a variety of hepatitis C virus, while most of them drink, and the liver can only break down each day into 60 ~ 80 grams of alcohol, there will be more than this amount of liver damage. 
Men generally eating fat and protein foods than women, while scientific research shows that eating too much fat and protein is the occurrence of an important cause of rectal cancer. Therefore in order to prevent the risk of rectal diseases, the table should always have fruits and vegetables rich in cellulose, such as food. 
According to the study, and over the age of 50 have 60% of Men with prostate disease. 
The prevention of the disease, one should avoid long-term oppression of the prostate, the second to restraint of married life, three is to eat less spicy food.

Male private part health care tips

Male private part health care tips 

  Men's Health 

In the mindset of the people, the men as women always seem to pay attention to cleanliness and personal hygiene, sanitation and hygiene to ensure the male reproductive system, an important aspect of health, in need of male attention. 
What kind of Man has the most charisma? Charm everyone has different standards, but it is undeniable that health is composed of the charm of an important condition for men! From the beginning of the charm of a Man healthy! 
Experts advise: Focus on men's health, anti-emphasis on governance. To protect the relatively fragile health of the reproductive system, need to pay attention to the following aspects: 
Intimate relationship to safety 
Phenomenon: young people prematurely into the "Forbidden Zone" and other social phenomena to some extent an impact on people's life. 
Reminder: premature, excessive or unclean intimacy, all of the male reproductive system may have a significant impact. 
Generally speaking, men premature intimacy with the opposite sex took place, genital easily lead to some problems. Physical development at this time is not ripe, genital mutilation also is in the growth and development stage, delicate skin, are susceptible to injury. Occurrence of premature intimacy with the opposite sex can also cause genital adult issues, such as physical dysfunction, lumbar acid, and so easy to aging, while over-will not only cause headaches, myalgia and other symptoms, but also to make long-term genital hyperemia, easily give rise to the decline in physiological functions and easy to cause prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy, etc.. 
The safety of intimate relationships, it is necessary to take into account factors such as physical fitness and age. For example, young people, maintained at more appropriate to 3-4 times per week. Middle-aged 1-2 times a week. However, according to their own personal feelings to do adjust the next day, their feelings are the most accurate measure. 
Private part necessary to pay attention to hygiene 
Phenomenon: in the mindset of the people, the men as women always seem to pay attention to cleanliness and personal hygiene, sanitation and hygiene to ensure the male reproductive system, an important aspect of health, in need of male attention. 
Reminder: pay attention to genital hygiene is not just a matter for women, men also should pay attention to. Moderate cleaning is to protect the male reproductive system an effective means of health. Not enough was done to clean or do too much, not conducive to a healthy male reproductive system. Not easily lead to inflammation clean, especially the foreskin is too long, and they should be the regular removal of smegma, otherwise not only harmful to themselves, or even possible to have these unclean substances and microbial dissemination to others. Some men think the frequency of cleaning the more conducive to health. In fact, this is wrong, easy to clean excessive damage to its own defense system, so that bacteria enter the body more easily. Men should also monitor the physical health knowledge! 
To a rational approach to health 
Phenomenon: the pressures of modern life so that busy families and working men, tend to ignore its own "important parts" of 
Health problems. Disease often unknowingly develop and cultivate the right of men has become a pressing health awareness. 
Remind: Many men neglect their own reproductive health, unless the disease has very obvious symptoms until attention. Experts recommend that men should regularly self-test, upon detection of the following symptoms should be timely medical treatment: skin or mucous membrane damage occurred, including the genitalia as well as the hands, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, etc. appear erythema, papules, induration, blisters and ulcer symptoms; urinary tract symptoms, such as transurethral resection of part of the former have mild flu hot, abnormal secretion outflow urethra, or frequent urination occur, urgency, dysuria, urinary symptoms such as closure, as well as hematuria; groin such as lymph nodes. 
Some men believe that their own reproductive health is a private matter, the body once the chigger has, not the hospital, but rather rely on the rest to overcome, or by "experience" self-medication. In fact, this is not just ignorance, with the passage of time, but also easily aggravate the condition. Expert advice: men, once they found that their reproductive system has problems, it should be promptly requested a professional doctor, the doctor will deal with illness, or serious illness of small lesions more losses than gains.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hi, this is health blog

this is my first blog post.