Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Virtual assistants like Geoff Gratz of Monkey Productions

Virtual assistants like Geoff Gratz of Monkey Productions
can install a remote connection on your computers whereby
technical computer support is provided 24 hours a day
and he doesn’t need to come to your office.

Ref: Monkey Productions - 614-668-5037

questions from other employees. When she went back to drafting the petition, it took her several minutes to find the place where she had left off and begin again. Unfortunately, this method of drafting petitions helped to create a lot of errors which caused major problems when the petition went through the court system.
However, by drafting the bankruptcy petition at the paralegal's home office, she had less interruptions and could direct her concentration solely on the client's information. The quality of the bankruptcy petition increased dramatically and literally transformed his law firm.
Dennis then began to detail for Matt the step-bystep procedure he used when working with his virtual bankruptcy assistant:
1. The clients filled out a set of client intake forms which were much more detailed than the previous 4-page intake forms I was using. These client intake

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