Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jinlian of three-inch behind the secret

Jinlian of three-inch behind the secret
Women's ankles and feet were sexology experts think it is important to sexuality, many people also agree with feet and genitals are closely related, through the legs of women can be aroused. Such as Lin Yutang once said: "foot-binding throughout the representativeness of the natural sense of existence." "China's love," the author of one book at book van Gulik also said: "The small feet are sexy women the center of Chinese people in the sexual life plays an extremely important role. "
Living at the foot of the status and role, in fact, when there are at earlier exploration and practice of the ancients had. In ancient people's aesthetic standards, the three-inch Jinlian are very sexy, and be able to stimulate their sexual. For thousands of years, three-inch Jinlian and Chinese human life, do not generally have a relationship. The ancients of the "three-inch feet" so obsessed with the amazing people.
Jinlian are three-inch bound feet give out. According to the general argument, pestering bound to start as early as AD 969 ~ 975-year reign of Li Yu Tang period, a little host Lee妃子ingenuity with silk wrapped around the legs into a crescent shape at Trollius on dancing to please the emperor. Later, this practice spread to people, bound entangled wind gradually spread to the ordinary people. But it was also suggested that in the early years of 770-476 BC, the Warring States period, there has been wrapped around the phenomenon of bound feet.
Women's foot-binding culture of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty years, reached a peak. Opposed to the Qing dynasty rulers of the Han woman bound feet, a three-year reign of Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Kangxi had下诏banned, are liable to get their parents vindictive. However, this ban enacted only four years, was forced to withdrew. Not only that, but also began to QiRen woman blind imitation with ludicrous effection . Shunzhi emperor had issued a "woman has to into the house of empire by cutting off his feet," the ban, nor did it play the effect.
Jinlian worship on three-inch is also reflected in many literary works, such as "Strange Stories" and a lot of chapters in both women's bound feet portray the form in order for the United States three-inch Jinlian. Even in the Qing Dynasty also has a self-appointed " XiangLian doctor," the scholar Xuan Fang, wrote an article entitled "Commodities XiangLian algae," the article, put small feet divided into five九品18 kinds of style.
How is kind of a pair of Jinlian enviable? The most widely circulated on the seventh Jinlian tactic as "thin, small, sharp, curved, incense, soft, now." "Butcher" the author of one book - Qing Li Weng Lee has three XiangLian You "fat, show, soft" standards; Fang Xuan at "Algae XiangLian goods" listed in 36 Jinlian grid "green circle straight, Narrow defibrase Qu Rui, said steady light, leisurely Yan Mei, Yun-yan weak thin, delicious whole Youjuan Run, Sophie King Man, cool ya free and natural, Qiao JieJin Park. " Tao early years of the Republic reported that addiction, "Picking a new language" with "small thin soft said short narrow curved thin sharp straight" to judge, and another YanXian "small enough to talk about" that "small incense soft tip is affixed to bend light, just discount XiaoPin temperature, solid jade do Lianzhi absorbed. "
Although the male three-inch standard Jinlian preferences are not the same, but the ancient woman bound feet bound, to create three-inch custom Jinlian male is said to be due to the rise of habit and this has in common, according to historical records, since the Song Dynasty, in the much popular festivity brothels from a "XingJiou" game, from start to finish are outstanding prostitutes and their small feet, small feet, shoes, put wine JiaJi Add the clients of prostitutes bound feet to shoe transmission, ZhenJiou , drinking. Estimated and the modern popular "human feast," where you win one fight.
No more, the Six Dynasties have the novel "Chebi rumor," one of Record: "Han ChengDi a disease, should not Zhuang Yin Sui weak hair, each holding enough Akiyoshi lot to desire from Zhe violence." Talking about sexual ChengDi later years because of excessive suffering from decreased energy, impotence problems. But each one to see Zhao's sister Hede Chebi of bound feet, it suddenly full energy, sexual excitement. Zhao Feiyan feet has also been described as a "for Pocket Dance", a pair of Men Jinlian not a big palm. Small enough to be said to have a bad vibration from the function of yang, the ancient people of the three-inch Jinlian worship really was not generally high.
Lee Weng Li has always been opposed to women's feet, but also made clear that the intention of foot-binding, in addition to a Man are to be caring and fondle, but also the role there.
"A pair of bound feet, shed tears one cylinder," "three-inch feet" Although the name of Blair, but the girls are the cost of health with blood and tears in return. Fortunately, the modern woman, and finally do not file by this sub-offended.

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