Tuesday, March 3, 2009

MY BOSS sexual harassment, how can I do?

MY BOSS sexual harassment, how can I do?
I do not know from where they talked about;
The company came to BOSS are more than a year ago has been, BOSS is a very smart person, keep in mind all the work, so technically our company faster than counterparts several times; at my company is a very low-key person, I do not dress up and enjoy it very fashionable alternative, but also never make-up, not like other people's lines, nor the rationale for the pursuit of those boring, nor know how to deal with the smooth relationship between colleagues, like the heart only is the never-ending the pursuit of my design; in our company as fashion inside, I would like a easy and simple people thought that I was also only 18-year-old girl. Every day at my company to do their job well, or even go home at night is also the job a few months down the design of my company was a lot of profits, orders continue to fully put before the company's design philosophy has become a new concept of conversion , in the company of other colleagues, I also can not accept such a change, only very much in agreement with BOSS, and slowly the U.S. are still recognized, so I became the backbone of the Department of Design; BOSS have been saying that my smart, to do good things, it likes I, unlike what other girls did, so I will agree with me think it is more the design, I am of course very happy, I never thought of any other means; on this too, after more than six months ago, BOSS regular asked me to eating out, we all talk about is business, so that lasted for six months, I have always agreed, because that is just to eat, to talk about some of the work the company matters, but also nothing; Of course, I have never BOSS have any doubts about the intention of the other; to listen to my colleagues said, BOSS are never like the other one a little money dependent on the outside like lovers do, the company's situation is pretty good, size is not small, even in this Under the influence of the economic crisis, the company is also a steady flow of orders has not been what the impact of Chinese New Year might have to work overtime; so on this point, I strongly believe that BOSS, completely put him as I respect a person;
But I was not trying to change my respect for the BOSS?
Just yesterday, BOSS asked me to go mountain climbing, said after eating out, I have promised; in this city are busy every day, but also did not have time to go mountain climbing, so for me this lack of exercise for those who still have a great difficulties, it is so we must think of my heart Get the Peak,
But it really did not listen to my feet, then began to be tired, it is so BOSS occasionally to pull me one, I also said as far as possible, I can put in hand to open; do not know how long it had come halfway up the mountain at a stone above sat down, I can walk, and this time also came BOSS
Who is sitting beside me, I did not want to move can have a place, BOSS my hands on the back of my question "is not hot hot," I stood up and said: "not hot, let's go"; we continue to follow, which would already many of the 17 o'clock, where people told us to go dark go well above the road, but would like to have a mind Get the Peak, we will continue to follow, it's very bad mountain road winding away , BOSS or from time to time come to pull me one; have gone perhaps a half an hour before arrival Peak, Real-pin fixed-shift, I stopped to break the will, sexual harassmenting the camera shoot some landscapes; going up continue to follow, BOSS came to cling to me tightly, no reaction from me, I simply can not break open, I like the blush of the apple, I almost could not breathe, BOSS before me liberalized, And put my hand down the pinch at the hands of him pulling me away, I want to get rid of efforts, but I failed, I left him pulling away after paragraph put me open; I breathed a sigh of relief, what do not want to Say blushing head to continue in that some small dark careful walking on the road, I want to just forget that scene, I do not want to be too embarrassing, BOSS also occasionally we turn to look at me, pull me; so there is no language of the foot inside a pavilion, are very tired, sits down break the will, BOSS came against him to allow me to get to me immediately pregnant with him, I have no time to flashover; had only half a minute song open me, but also a smile to touch my face and that hot; we continue to follow, and finally to the foot of the hill, a store, where they will be seated before driving off to go, On the road to find a home meal for dinner Pavilion, every times ask me enjoy what I do not know; Just now the embarrassment did not seem to like; called me on the sofa at that rest tired; I have been at down my head that seems to look very tired, I not to eat with chopsticks, BOSS attendants called to get my spoon, finally after dinner they took me to do foot massage that tired today; I also did not say anything a go, in that the consumption of more than 2 hours, and finally drove back to the end of the city, along the way more irrelevant question, I do not know how I said that pretending to sleep in that very storm looks very tired, in fact, do it sleeping fall; every time I would ask at this how long the city, enjoy what questions like;
Today, work at it on my work, he would in front of other colleagues in the ignition did not say that it was doing a good job, and every time condemning those of my colleagues, as if only I had not been said before him; me wrong, what are good of give me that taught me; colleagues say I am very good on the BOSS, I am really good hard
Ah, I do not know how to do, ladies, how can I deal with this matter ah, yes leave the company, but now I want to work and colleagues.
Hair question just message me foot pain is also not, I really about to the collapse of the ~ ~ ~ I am afraid I will find a reason for the next BOSS asked me to eating out ... ...

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