Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Law firms also allow their employees to take work home to complete complex assignments

Law firms also allow their employees to take work home to complete complex assignments, drafting documents and other pleadings. In addition, many law clerks and paralegals must travel outside the office to work on cases or go to the law library to cite cases for briefs and other pleadings. Take a look at your own law firm and see for yourself how much work is actually done outside the office.
Matt: But what about confidentiality? I know the people employed at my law firm personally. They may take files out of the office to work off-site but I know they will be coming to work the next day to return them.

Virtual assistants who are located in your local area can also
assist you in court — just like your paralegal does now.
This frees up your paralegal to work on other tasks.

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