Saturday, February 14, 2009

Menstrual drink even more serious consequences

Menstrual drink even more serious consequences 

Women health care 

Today to see an article, which said: the same are to drink alcohol female menstrual liver damage or trigger risk of alcoholism than many men half. To remind women, menstrual careful to drink! 

Before and during menstruation, women affected by hormonal effects in vivo enzyme activities of lower ability, alcohol metabolism, and the result makes alcohol easily excreted rapidly from the blood away, but become harmful to the body "acidic." To remove these acidic substances, the liver is necessary to continue to produce enzymes. The result will add to the burden of the liver, so that triggered the possibility of liver dysfunction have also increased. 
Because they are women in the menstrual period, lack of enzyme in vivo, if drunk too much time, will in time extend a state of intoxication, drunken feeling or symptoms will be even more serious. This is when menstruation alcohol addictive, easy to trigger alcoholism reasons. In addition, menstrual bleeding as a result of constant, physical weakness, poor resistance, alcohol will speed up blood circulation, at this time may result in menstrual volume has increased, such as drinking cold beer, is also likely to cause, such as dysmenorrhea. Therefore, the approach of menstruation or menstrual period, in principle, should be banned drinking liquor. Of course, you can drink a small amount of wine (50ml about appropriate), but it should not be excessive.

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