Tuesday, March 3, 2009

One trick yoga moves to solve constipation problem

One trick yoga moves to solve constipation problem
Many of my friends will trust you have constipation, the constipation problems but a lot of people, but also give the health impact. The following bills have one yoga moves can help you solve the constipation problem, we quickly learn you learn:
Open-acting: to strengthen, contraction of abdominal organs, stretching the neck muscles. Help to alleviate constipation, elimination of gastrointestinal flatulence. Action: supine, arm placed on both sides of the body, straight legs naturally. Inspiratory, left leg bent, his hands embracing the left calf. Breath, raised his shoulder, left thigh closer to the chest. Hold your breath or to maintain the natural breathing (according to its own circumstances, decide), chin, left knee contact.
Through yoga postures to improve gastrointestinal function, promote digestion and ease constipation role to play. Yoga is more natural to promote a healthy lifestyle to resolve constipation.
Practice Time: morning and evening exercises repeat 3 to 5 group.

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