Thursday, February 26, 2009

If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day

If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
“Okay, teach me to fish, and then please point me to the fish too!”

How do you minimize risk though?

How do you minimize risk though? What if the stock goes the other way? If you have a company that is trading below its intrinsic value and you can “see” that others (usually institutional investors) are getting into a stock, that’s when you move. If you “see” other are getting out of the stock, again that’s when you move. The tools that are now publicly available on MSN money and Yahoo finance. Phil Town’s book, Rule #1 explains how to use these tools.

So we would need

So we would need to see $120 in our account at the end of a year to realize a 20% return.
We’re going to ignore the commissions charged for trades (because now we can!) Over the course of the month or even a week, is it unreasonable to have a stock gain 1.7%? Not at all. It is not uncommon for a stock to move that much in even a single week or even a single day. Let’s play this out in our example. Let’s say in January you buy a stock with your $100 it gains at least 1.7% within 4 weeks time (or less). You sell the stock and add a $1.70 to your account. You now have $101.70. Despite our earlier focus on compounding interest, let’s leave that out of this example to keep it simple. If you repeat the same set of steps with the same stock or a different stock in February, you add at least another $1.70 to your account. 12 months times $1.70 is $20.40. At the end of the year the account now has $120.40. Hmm, that is a 20% annual return! Reread section 1 to recall what this could mean for your retirement lifestyle.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Virtual assistants

Virtual assistants allow attorneys to break the chains and move forward in building a successful law practice without the additional overhead expenses.

forms were provided by the virtual bankruptcy assistant and personalized with my law firm's name and address. I also made them available as a free PDF download from my website. This made the process easier for the client and they did not need to make a special trip to the law firm to pick up the client intake forms. Additionally, this process helped to save my staff a lot of time and they had fewer interruptions.
2. Once the clients filled out the client intake forms, they were instructed to call the office and set up an appointment to pay their attorney and filing fees; and to meet with me to sign the Retainer Agreement. Also, they were required to bring the following documentation with them to their first appointment:

Virtual assistants like Geoff Gratz of Monkey Productions

Virtual assistants like Geoff Gratz of Monkey Productions
can install a remote connection on your computers whereby
technical computer support is provided 24 hours a day
and he doesn’t need to come to your office.

Ref: Monkey Productions - 614-668-5037

questions from other employees. When she went back to drafting the petition, it took her several minutes to find the place where she had left off and begin again. Unfortunately, this method of drafting petitions helped to create a lot of errors which caused major problems when the petition went through the court system.
However, by drafting the bankruptcy petition at the paralegal's home office, she had less interruptions and could direct her concentration solely on the client's information. The quality of the bankruptcy petition increased dramatically and literally transformed his law firm.
Dennis then began to detail for Matt the step-bystep procedure he used when working with his virtual bankruptcy assistant:
1. The clients filled out a set of client intake forms which were much more detailed than the previous 4-page intake forms I was using. These client intake

Dennis: Do you

Dennis: Do you? I have had employees take the files home to work on and the files get in the hands of unauthorized people. I also have had employees quit and I had to go through legal means to get the files they took home with them returned. For me, I found it more confidential to strictly deal with one unbiased virtual assistant who was often more professional and trusting than my own office staff.
Matt: Are you saying a virtual assistant does a better job compared to your legal staff?
Dennis: For certain things — yes. I found that drafting bankruptcy petitions is a job that needs to be done from start to finish with no interruptions. This is impossible to do in a busy office. In fact, that is what the bankruptcy attorney in Columbus, Ohio noticed when he set Victoria Ring up in her own virtual bankruptcy assistant business. One day this attorney watched one of his paralegals draft an entire bankruptcy petition. She would start on the Voluntary Petition and get interrupted with client calls and

Law firms also allow their employees to take work home to complete complex assignments

Law firms also allow their employees to take work home to complete complex assignments, drafting documents and other pleadings. In addition, many law clerks and paralegals must travel outside the office to work on cases or go to the law library to cite cases for briefs and other pleadings. Take a look at your own law firm and see for yourself how much work is actually done outside the office.
Matt: But what about confidentiality? I know the people employed at my law firm personally. They may take files out of the office to work off-site but I know they will be coming to work the next day to return them.

Virtual assistants who are located in your local area can also
assist you in court — just like your paralegal does now.
This frees up your paralegal to work on other tasks.

Monday, February 23, 2009

After a period, usually one year

After a period, usually one year, debts are written off. After your bankruptcy ends.
your creditors can make no fresh claims against you, but if, for example, you
have assets remaining that gain in value (such as your home), your creditors can
still force the sale of those assets within a period of three years.
This also applies to any assets you obtain before becoming discharged.
Although bankruptcy doesn't carry the same social stigma it did a few years ago,
it does bring with it certain restrictions such as your bankruptcy being advertised
in the local press, having your landlord informed, closure of your bank account,
and in certain professions -including most positions in financial services -a risk.
of losing your job. The bankruptcy remains on your credit file for 6 years.

About Bankruptcy.

About Bankruptcy.

This is the ultimate step -the last resort.
It's a legal process that allows you to free yourself from overwhelming debts and
make a fresh start by selling your assets and using the funds raised to pay your
creditors. Any assets, including your home, may be used to pay creditors.

Full and final settlement is the process of asking creditors to accept a lump sum

Full and final settlement is the process of asking creditors to accept a lump sum
which is less than the full balance owed on the debt, and in return for having a
lump sum payment, the creditors agree to write off the rest of the debts.
They also agree in writing to change your credit reference file details to show that
the balance is “satisfied”.
The lump sum payment is often determined by a combination of disposable
income and the level of equity you have in your property. Or perhaps a family.
member is offering to settle the debt for you...
Full and Final is not guaranteed. The creditor may refuse an offer.
If they do refuse, there are a number of options available for you to proceed..